LEE: "Sure, and let me just say, these remarks — these racist remarks, of course lead to racist policies. And we have to remember, this is a president who came to office based on a racist agenda, based on an alt-right agenda. His history, he demonized and tried to delegitimize the presidency of Barack Obama, our first African American president. He has a history of racist remarks, but also his behavior has been racist. And so we have to do something. And we have to — and I call on Speaker Ryan to lead the effort with Republicans to join us in voting for the censure resolution, which will be coming forward next week. I think our chair of the congressional black caucus put it very clearly that when President Trump says make America great again, he means really and once again we see this, make America white again. So I’m saying to Speaker Ryan, make sure you get the votes from the Republicans so we can pass this censure resolution next week."