BROWNE DIANIS: "I mean, I can’t imagine him standing next to him or being in that room at all. People know it’s not authentic. You can’t turn around one moment talk about countries, African countries, talk about Haiti, make derogatory comments, really showing that you don’t value black lives. And then have a photo-op. He continues to try and do this because, remember, he is a reality TV star. So the reality TV star is playing out in the White House. He is marketing something, but then he’s turning around and doing damage because his immigration policies are nothing more than a racial purge in this country. If you didn’t understand that immigration was about racial justice, you sure should know it now."
WITT: "Is there any room for the prospect of people interpreting the president’s immigration policies as being something that will work for them?"
BROWNE DIANIS: "No. Look, this is going to be an issue that will carry throughout the 2018 election, the 2020 election. People understand what this president stands for. He’s a racist. He’s carrying out white supremacy policies, we’ll have our say eventually because this is not the direction we want to go in."