00:14 Indian Actor Thought It Would Be A Great Idea To Light A Kid's Hand On Fire And Have Him Karate Chop A Brick...Boy Was That A Terrible Idea 1 1 0
01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0
Libtard Level 11 UNLOCKED! Don Lemon & Katy Tur suggest a Dragon will destroy The Wall FAIL! 2259 days ago Prev video Next video x2x1.5x1x0.500:00 / 00:00PlayMuteFullscreenFluid Player 3.51.0 00:40 She thought she could bully someone and film it. She thought wrong! 0 0 0 00:23 This Security Guard Has Had Enough Of California Stealin' 5 0 0 00:14 Indian Actor Thought It Would Be A Great Idea To Light A Kid's Hand On Fire And Have Him Karate Chop A Brick...Boy Was That A Terrible Idea 1 1 0 02:13 Shirtless Lunatic Destroys A Terminal In Dublin After Missing Flight 0 3 0 01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0 04:54 Influential Muslim TikToker Reads Verses Of The Quran In A French Catholic Church 0 9 0 × 0 1 0 Posted by moku 2259 days ago FAIL! No, this isn't a parody, this is an actual talking point on CNN, that if Trump builds a wall, that wall may suffer the same fate as the one in Game of Thrones where a zombie dragon destroyed it. You can't make this crap up. COMMENTS VIDMAX
00:14 Indian Actor Thought It Would Be A Great Idea To Light A Kid's Hand On Fire And Have Him Karate Chop A Brick...Boy Was That A Terrible Idea 1 1 0
01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0