A 13-year-old was jumped on and kicked in the face by a 'gang of six girls' in a sickening attack outside a milkshake store.
The young girl, who did not want to be named, said she was on her way to Shakey's milkshake shop in Liverpool on Tuesday when she was attacked.
She said the group started yelling at her friend who was with her before the vicious attack, which left her covered in blood.
The victim told Liverpool Echo : "I didn't even do anything I was just trying to get my friend away because they were shouting in her face.
"The next thing I was on the floor. I was trying to cover my face to stop them from kicking it and I had my phone in my hand so I was trying not to smash it, it all happened so fast."
Good post you shared, by reading this, i got some new point.
Thanks Tom. I was told last week that I was like the Bob Ross of podcasts. I must stop waving paint brushes around when I present ;-)
Another reason for having a podcast is you can use it to present on the types of topics that wouldn't be likely to be accepted by conference organisers. For example, something that is only 20 minutes long, or 200 minutes long, or a topic that is very esoteric.