Audio has emerged of the phone calls between Vice President Joe Biden and then Ukrainian President Poroshenko about the firing of VIKTOR SHOKIN, who was investigating Biden's son, Hunter. The calls occurred on March 22nd, 2016.
Poroshenko: I have some good news… Yesterday I went and seat with the general prosecutor’s office.
Joe Biden: Yes.
Poroshenko: …. I especially asked him to resign… as his position as a state prosecutor… He promised to give me statement of his resignation… One hour he gave me statement of his presentation.
Joe Biden: Great!….
Joe Biden: (10:20 mark) I am prepared to a public signing for a commitment for a billion dollars. Again I am not suggesting you want it or don’t want it. I am suggesting that is what I am prepared to do. Again it won’t be finalized… Let me when you and I finished speaking let me huddle with my team… I agree with you there is a sense of urgency here.
Joe Biden — Congratulations in getting the new Prosecutor General. I know there’s a lot more to that. I really think that’s good. It is going to be critical that he works to repair the damage of Shokin. I’m a man of my word. Now that the new prosecutor general is in place we’re ready to move forward to signing the one billion dollar loan guarantee. And I don’t know how you want to go about that… I’ll leave it to you to how you want it done and where you want it done.