So the Republicans are the ones history warned us about?
Are you sure about that as you watch Twitter and Facebook censor news?
Are you sure as ANTIFA and BLM burn down cities?
Are you sure about that as liberals threaten to pack the courts if they take power?
Are you sure when liberals a threatening to take away your guns if they take power?
I have a private pilot license holder since 1971. You could not get me in one of those. A pilot needs to very skilled. The control is very minimal. Then there is the fire hazard. As we see.
A six foot long flame inches from your head. What could possibly go wrong?
One of these balloons was above me when I was in a parking lot. When I saw the flame I knew I would never get into one of those death traps! Poor people.
Was he filming that with a flip phone?
I would fly spirit airlines before getting in any air balloon
I never understood the Wicker basket on a flying doohickie with a flamethrower attached to it....if there is one place I would love to do my first base jump....its from a burning hot air balloon!
Poor bastards! What a way to die! What choices! I take it that was raw propane dribbling down the mooring rope, that had ignited? (Lots of stuff from YNC and Kaotic getting on here)
"There's smoke,there's flames,the frame is burning ladles and jellyspoons"
"Oh, the huge manatee, it's burning,it's burning almost to the mooring mast" "It's the most horrific thing this reporter has ever seen,I'm sorry,I can barely speak"
-Herb Morrison
I'm going to hell for saying this -----but,,
OOOOOHH The humanity !!!
Fucking Biden can't stop shooting down balloons.
Stop it.......
Still FAF hahaha
We're goin' ta Hell
horrible... only chance they had was to jump at the very begining ...
That was hard to watch....get a tripod, FFS.
Cheap funeral.
Partial cremation.
Looks like the can and burner separated upon ignition, you're done then.
Thankfully, I am a very low-risk Pussy who does not seek-out
adventuresome activities.
When the phouck will people listen METSACO IS A SHITHOLE CESSPOOL
Good....scratch 2 trumptards...
I would in me fuck go up in one of them yokes.
Correct seven Mary three one Adam 12
This is another example of NEVER do these activities in Mexico - this includes parasailing, bungee jumping, or any activity that entails trusting your safety with the local population's compliance with safety requirements.
Heartbreaking. You can't get me into one of those flame-throwers.
Poor people. The daughter lived as did the operator only his face is all burned.
On another site, I read that the operator jumped out when the balloon was only fifteen feet above the ground. He stated he jumped out because he didn't know what to do in an emergency situation. Basically, he left the tourists to fry but I don't get why they didn't jump out too before the balloon rose to such a great height. Paralyzed with indecision perhaps but with fatal consequences.
I could not imagine being stuck in that position.
Well, heat is what makes those balloons fly. So it looks fine to me..
Poor poor bastards, nobody deserves to die like that.