The man who was fatally shot by Minneapolis cops Thursday had demanded “war” after George Floyd’s death, was wanted on a felony-arms rap — and appeared to have fired his weapon as authorities tried to arrest him, according to court records, online posts and officials.
Winston Boogie Smith, 32, was gunned down in the Midwest city around 2 p.m. when he “produced a handgun” and fired it from inside his vehicle as members of a US Marshals task force tried to take him into custody on the state warrant, officials said.
“Evidence at the scene indicates that the man fired his weapon from inside the vehicle. BCA crime scene personnel recovered a handgun as well as spent cartridge cases from inside the driver’s compartment,” the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said in a statement.
Smith had made threatening posts after the police murder of Floyd — including some against cops.
“We got guns and bullet proof vest too or should be able to get em… why not just rush these f–ks and start this war they keep asking for!” Smith raged on Facebook.
“F–k justice anyway b—h justice is an eye for eye u kill one of mine we need one of yours that’s justice! Right or wrong f–k being right cuz they keep doing us wrong.
“I’m down with the burn everything government not touch sh-t else I don’t even need to loot I’ll buy my sh-t just kill them dirty ass cops off we tired of being scared at the red light!” he wrote.
Smith also seems to encourage terrorism in a video uploaded to Instagram 7 weeks ago.
Winston Boogie Smith:”Whoever’s at these protests in Minnesota, with all these killings—y’all not saying the right shit. Y’all telling the motherf8ckers to come with their hands up for some peaceful protest. F*ck that. F*ck anybody who peaceful right now. Go get y’all gasoline at the gas station. Go get some dish soap. If you scared you don’t got no gun, you don’t need no gun. Go get some dish soap, go get some glue, get some bleach, some honey some shit that you can f*cking throw at these f*cks. Ain’t nobody gonna be begging for no justice!” he said.
He continued, telling his followers to “Get ready for war!” He continued with his rant, saying they’re going to “move on these ops” adding, “Suit up. Lace your boots up, it’s war f*cking time. Bring your gun to the protest. Bring the f*cking bombs and rocket launchers you been rapping about!”