Here is a 5 minute compilation Vidmax has put together in order to show France riot police acting like Hitler's goons, the crime you ask? They dare hold a freedom convoy that is protesting the vaccine mandates as tyrannical overreach of government.
The Macron governments response to that? Act like Communist China and brutally crackdown on the protesters so they become more irate against the riot police.
The more people are angry against the police around the world, the quicker they can achieve their goal of using the military to be the ones to handle the protesters. When arrested by them you don't go to a regular prison, you're tried as a terrorist.
This is why nations around the world have begun labeling anyone who fights back against their tyranny as terrorists. The goal is to have the militaries in NATO control every NATO countries day to day life. Exactly like they do in Communist countries.
If the police don't wake up soon and realize they're nothing more than pawns that will be thrown aside, then we are all doomed.