This was the video shot from the back seat of a Union Car Service vehicle and the disturbing scene that unfolded.
The Jewish man in the back seat asks the driver if he has the address to which the driver aggressively shoos him away. The driver tells the man he doesn't want to hear or see him. The passenger asks why to which the driver responds 'because you are Jewish.'
The driver asks 'did you hear that' to which the passenger says 'yea, I heard that.' 'Good, then shut the f*ck up' adds the driver.
The conversation takes a turn for the even worse when the man in the back seat asks if he can give him the address to where he needs to go at which point the driver asks if he wants to perform oral sex on him.
The Jewish man seems flabbergasted at this point, asking if the driver spoke this way to all their passengers. The passenger asks the driver if he works for himself or Union Limo to which he asks him if he wants to see his penis.
It has been posted on social media that the driver works for Union Car Service in New York.