This was the wild scene during a road rage incident in which a man comes charging out of an apartment complex to confront a man he says didn't stop at a stop sign.
The driver asks if he's a cop and to mind his own business, which seems to escalate things.
After the man from the apartments makes some threats about sticking something where the sun doesn't shine, the driver gives him the double 'let's go Brandon' salute.
The apartment guy then pulls a knife at which point the driver, which we now know is an off-duty cop pulls a gun and tells the suspect to get on his knees.
The knife wielder then starts to scream for him mom to save him. The mother and girlfriend of the man enter the chat room as the wife stands in front of the officer and walks her man inside as the mother gets in the cop's face.
The cop, who identifies as NYPD, then explains what happened to the two women.
The video cuts off there. It is not known if any arrested were made.