HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS: A 40-year-old mother, Zaikiya Duncan, along with her 27-year-old boyfriend, Jova Terrell, were arrested Tuesday, Oct 18, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on charges of injury to a child. Duncan confined her 16-year-old twins, a boy, and a girl in a Texas home and along with her boyfriend forced them to drink their own urine while they lived surrounded by their own feces. However on Monday, Oct 17, the twins fled the home, KHOU reports.
The 16-year-old twins ran door to door through the neighborhood for half an hour pleading for help before a neighbor called 911 to help them. According to the New York Post, the twins had just moved into a house in the neighborhood and couldn't give police their address. By the time cops arrived, the mother, boyfriend, and all five of their other siblings, ages 7 to 14, had left the house.
The police later stated that one of their siblings, who is 18 years old, is still with the mother and boyfriend. According to KHOU, the twins reached out to a neighbor after being harshly abused, the boy was shirtless and the twins came barefoot and were shivering continuously. "They were so skinny and so frail. They just looked like they had been through a lot. They told me that their mom kept them locked in the laundry room, naked, zip tied from the ankles and handcuffed from the wrist," said the woman who helped the twins. Both were malnourished, and the boy previously suffered a fractured bone due to their abuse, claimed the police.
"They would only feed them a sandwich, only if they were quiet the whole day if they made any type of noise they wouldn’t be fed, how a mother could do this to her kids and... I feel like my tears are out of frustration anger and sadness," the woman claimed. All seven children have been placed in child Protective Service custody, officials said.