01:11 Enemy Of The State, Ilhan Omar Calls The Somali President 'Our President' During A Rally In Minneapolis 3 19 0
03:11 Canadian Priest And LGBT Cuck Says Referring To Jesus As The Savior Is Offensive To Other Religions 2 5 0
00:30 Man On Alaska Airlines Has A Psychotic Episode, Grabs Woman's Hair And Refuses To Let Go, Flight Attendant Throat Punches Him 6 3 0
06:28 Orange County Sheriff's Office released video of two drive-by shootings and a deputy shooting 0 0 0
Homeless Freak Does The Unthinkable With Police Horse In Calgary CrimeFAIL!Police videosWTF 575 days ago Prev video Next video 00:15 Some Thug Breaks Into St Peter's Basilica At The Vatican And Starts Destroying It 2 1 0 01:09 A Bunch Of Neo-Nazis Picked The Wrong Neighborhood To Mess Around In 3 7 0 03:57 Woman Attacks Man For Offering To Pay For Her Groceries 1 2 0 01:04 Motorbiker Knocks Off Car's Side Mirror, Car's Driver Delivers Some Painful Karma 9 0 0 03:11 Canadian Priest And LGBT Cuck Says Referring To Jesus As The Savior Is Offensive To Other Religions 2 5 0 06:28 Orange County Sheriff's Office released video of two drive-by shootings and a deputy shooting 0 0 0 × 2 1 0 Posted by moku 575 days ago CrimeFAIL!Police videosWTF A deranged homeless man in Calgary went up to a police horse who happened to be taking a piss on the sidewalk, held a plastic cup to fill it, and did the unthinkable. DRANK IT! This may make it official, Calgary has the most disgusting homeless. 0 COMMENTS VIDMAX Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
03:11 Canadian Priest And LGBT Cuck Says Referring To Jesus As The Savior Is Offensive To Other Religions 2 5 0
06:28 Orange County Sheriff's Office released video of two drive-by shootings and a deputy shooting 0 0 0