00:14 Indian Actor Thought It Would Be A Great Idea To Light A Kid's Hand On Fire And Have Him Karate Chop A Brick...Boy Was That A Terrible Idea 1 1 0
01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0
Well Hot Dang- Granny's Arrest Is Rate NC-17 CrimeFAIL!FunnyPolice videos 533 days ago Prev video Next video x2x1.5x1x0.500:00 / 00:00PlayMuteFullscreenFluid Player 3.51.0 00:40 She thought she could bully someone and film it. She thought wrong! 0 0 0 00:23 This Security Guard Has Had Enough Of California Stealin' 5 0 0 00:14 Indian Actor Thought It Would Be A Great Idea To Light A Kid's Hand On Fire And Have Him Karate Chop A Brick...Boy Was That A Terrible Idea 1 1 0 02:13 Shirtless Lunatic Destroys A Terminal In Dublin After Missing Flight 0 3 0 01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0 04:54 Influential Muslim TikToker Reads Verses Of The Quran In A French Catholic Church 0 9 0 × 5 0 0 Posted by moku 533 days ago CrimeFAIL!FunnyPolice videos You have to wonder what kind of crazy things are going on inside the house of this granny and her ex-con husband when you hear about what goes on in their bedroom. Just make sure the kids are not close to Granny when she gets wound up. COMMENTS VIDMAX Lock ThreadLoginAdd CommentComment anonymouslyM ↓ Markdown
00:14 Indian Actor Thought It Would Be A Great Idea To Light A Kid's Hand On Fire And Have Him Karate Chop A Brick...Boy Was That A Terrible Idea 1 1 0
01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0