Poor ol ηιggєя .... Wit its welfare, freebies and child support it is pulling in much more than I get.
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Thats because poor white trash such as urself typically have low net worth....wouldnt surprise me at all if ur ass was on welfare....
Viet Nam Vet
0 points
4 months ago
I wouldn't mind being on welfare or some other type of assistance but alas, way too White. If the government hadn't taken my earnings to support, cradle to grave, you and the rest of the worthless ηιggєяs I might have had things a bit easier. Johnson said with welfare the democrat party would control the ηιggєяs.
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Stop lying....Johnson said if u give a cracka someone to look down upon, hell empty his pockets for u...
0 points
4 months ago
Trump's your daddy now. Have some more meltdowns along with your fellow Kamalians like the transphags. Hell, you might actually have to get a job. Just kidding you nggr parasite. The illegals you b#tches have championed may be from 3rd world sh!tholes, but they have twice the brain wattage and 1000 times more work ethic than any nggr. Your drug dealing and pimping should continue making enough for you to show your Grindr boy dates a good time.
Cold Blakk
0 points
4 months ago
Cracka....trump is YOUR daddy....go ahead and eat that orange load....
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
She wanted the burden...I mean kidlets.hahaha
0 points
4 months ago
I enjoyed the ending
........ schadenfreude🤗
0 points
4 months ago
There's a retard right below me
0 points
4 months ago
Jason Ledd
0 points
4 months ago
Welcome to reality. You're going to have to move into a smaller home in a cheaper hood with the rest of humanity. She should have stayed with her sugar daddy if she wanted to keep rich woman lifestyle.
Jury Nullification
0 points
4 months ago
Tears for fears.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
Everybody Wants to Rule the World.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
Can they keep the rented TV and furniture, bed?
Used to repo.just to throw it all away,you couldn't let them keep it.
Had to park the box truck down the street and still roach populations went up.Fukkers eggs are everywhere.
Nasty people.Saw roaches in a bread bag she took outta the fridge,left top off peanut butter.They are difficult and time consuming to put back on ffs.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
Disgust for me.
A sick feeling.
My children's financial burden is on MEEEE!?
0 points
4 months ago
SO much wrong with this video! That vile tawt is EVIL! Children be damned....all it wants is cash. I mean, imagine turning up to Court dressed like THAT!
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
It's Thursday, ballgown day.
Saturday is track suit.
Sunday is conservative pants/dress or nasty ripped t-shirt.
Monday is eviction day. She'll be bone ass nekkid and ya gotta gouge your eyes out.But still stand around their slow ass stalling,phone calls,excuses,crying,questions, tantrums, men threats,more crying,violent raging til threatened with arrest and still stall til one cuff is on then try to start it all again while threatening your life and other vile shite til in the back of the car kicking,screaming shitting/peeing of pants and on and on.
Find a new job,join VidMax.
The End
0 points
4 months ago
Well whose burden should it be? Tax payers? You had the kids, deal with it.
Maybe you could take the other $4K a month you spend on yourself in hair and nails and use it for what it's supposed to be used for.
0 points
4 months ago
Beyond the child support, we have no idea what else the settlement might include, such as alimony payments or a house.
George Spelvin
0 points
4 months ago
At least the money is coming from the person responsible.
My cleaning lady adopted her grandson when he was 8 because his parents are $hit.
Turns out the kid is $hit too. He is now 17 years old and a vile, violent and useless creature. He will never be able to hold a job or live on his own.
He is not crippled or retarded. He is simply useless.
Turns out the STATE has given him a budget of $100k per year. That is $100k taxpayer dollars per year to house, feed, and clothe. His medical care, therapy, and travel are also covered. All this for a bastard who will never contribute to society in any way.
And true to form for government funding...if in a year he only needs to spend $50k, he will only get $50k the following year. THAT only incentivizes waste and deception.
I worked for the USGS in MI for a few years. We were budgeted a certain amount. In the last month of the year we looked at how much was left and started buying trucks and boats and ATVs to use up the 'surplus' so we could keep our bloated budget the following year.
I hope Elon and Vivek put that $hit to bed.
Son of Liberty
0 points
4 months ago
The same thing with my wife, her son moved himself in and doesn't want to leave.
George Spelvin
0 points
4 months ago
My brother's wife's grandson moved into the guest house on the property. He was supposed to get free rent for helping my aged brother maintain the property.
Grandson has not done a lick of work in three years. No work on the property, no regular job.
Grandson keeps a dozen or more cats and they are shitting in the house.
Brother can't get the wife to exert any pressure. The house will have to be burned down. No way to get the smell of cat out of a house if they are shitting and pissing on the carpet. You know it has soaked into the wood.
No more passes. Not for gender, age, intelligence or blood relatives. You gotta pay your dues every day.
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
No incentive to make budget or underspend.
0 points
4 months ago
Why do negresses even reproduce? n!ggers are a burden on humanity.
0 points
4 months ago
Anyone who celebrates their divorce, especially with kids involved is completely worthless.
0 points
4 months ago
But I need my weave.
Richard Wahd
0 points
4 months ago
That ominous background music! That's the same music I hear when I compare grocery prices and gasoline prices from the previous week
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
2³⁵ a gallon for regular gas tonight coming home.
0 points
4 months ago
Toiletqueesha deserves bettah!
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
Niglets fer sure.
B.C Shaughnessy
0 points
4 months ago
Take to penthouse and have a wood chipper on ground floor . Escort her to the balcony and send her on her way ! What a waste of flesh . maybe the Comanche Death of buried next to a red ant , Ant hill . That must have been the worst way to go .
James E.Cash
0 points
4 months ago
Money starved groid.
orange taby
0 points
4 months ago
looks like suicide is her best option
Feel Lucky?
0 points
4 months ago
Murder is highly likely tho too.
0 points
4 months ago
0 points
4 months ago
Poor thing. Perhaps she could jump off a building to make things better or I could donate some rope to the cause. I am a charitable man indeed.
Son of Liberty
0 points
4 months ago
Her P 😺SSY isn't worth 30 bucks
0 points
4 months ago
Shouldn't we at least wiggle the lips, maybe take a look before we pass judgement? For equity if nothing else.
Son of Liberty
0 points
4 months ago
She can throw the niglet in the oven and set it to 400 degrees that will take care of her problem.
Son of Liberty
0 points
4 months ago
She can throw the niglect in the oven and set it to 400 degrees that will take care of her problem.
0 points
4 months ago
That was a short lived celebration.
0 points
4 months ago
Get your ugly fat ass to work you lazy kunt.
0 points
4 months ago
0 points
4 months ago
When my divorce was final and everything was settle, my earnings divided up among courts and lawyer my take home pay was reduced to $110 per week. I protested and the judge told me to sell my car, buy a bike and move closer to where I worked!
Paul Kersey
0 points
4 months ago
Ghey and fake.
Johnny Jump Up
0 points
4 months ago
Taco Bell?
0 points
4 months ago
If he's shelling out four grand a month to the ho , the "financial burden" hasn't fallen on her.
they are not really people
0 points
4 months ago
staged. and poorly at that
0 points
4 months ago
She knows the zoo brings in way more than that...and aside from an occasional poo flinging, and fleas...I'd say its time to negotiate a new deal. Youve got 1500 hand signals to do it with.
Poor ol ηιggєя .... Wit its welfare, freebies and child support it is pulling in much more than I get.
Thats because poor white trash such as urself typically have low net worth....wouldnt surprise me at all if ur ass was on welfare....
I wouldn't mind being on welfare or some other type of assistance but alas, way too White. If the government hadn't taken my earnings to support, cradle to grave, you and the rest of the worthless ηιggєяs I might have had things a bit easier. Johnson said with welfare the democrat party would control the ηιggєяs.
Stop lying....Johnson said if u give a cracka someone to look down upon, hell empty his pockets for u...
Trump's your daddy now. Have some more meltdowns along with your fellow Kamalians like the transphags. Hell, you might actually have to get a job. Just kidding you nggr parasite. The illegals you b#tches have championed may be from 3rd world sh!tholes, but they have twice the brain wattage and 1000 times more work ethic than any nggr. Your drug dealing and pimping should continue making enough for you to show your Grindr boy dates a good time.
Cracka....trump is YOUR daddy....go ahead and eat that orange load....
She wanted the burden...I mean kidlets.hahaha
I enjoyed the ending
........ schadenfreude🤗
There's a retard right below me
Welcome to reality. You're going to have to move into a smaller home in a cheaper hood with the rest of humanity. She should have stayed with her sugar daddy if she wanted to keep rich woman lifestyle.
Tears for fears.
Everybody Wants to Rule the World.
Can they keep the rented TV and furniture, bed?
Used to repo.just to throw it all away,you couldn't let them keep it.
Had to park the box truck down the street and still roach populations went up.Fukkers eggs are everywhere.
Nasty people.Saw roaches in a bread bag she took outta the fridge,left top off peanut butter.They are difficult and time consuming to put back on ffs.
Disgust for me.
A sick feeling.
My children's financial burden is on MEEEE!?
SO much wrong with this video! That vile tawt is EVIL! Children be damned....all it wants is cash. I mean, imagine turning up to Court dressed like THAT!
It's Thursday, ballgown day.
Saturday is track suit.
Sunday is conservative pants/dress or nasty ripped t-shirt.
Monday is eviction day. She'll be bone ass nekkid and ya gotta gouge your eyes out.But still stand around their slow ass stalling,phone calls,excuses,crying,questions, tantrums, men threats,more crying,violent raging til threatened with arrest and still stall til one cuff is on then try to start it all again while threatening your life and other vile shite til in the back of the car kicking,screaming shitting/peeing of pants and on and on.
Find a new job,join VidMax.
The End
Well whose burden should it be? Tax payers? You had the kids, deal with it.
Maybe you could take the other $4K a month you spend on yourself in hair and nails and use it for what it's supposed to be used for.
Beyond the child support, we have no idea what else the settlement might include, such as alimony payments or a house.
At least the money is coming from the person responsible.
My cleaning lady adopted her grandson when he was 8 because his parents are $hit.
Turns out the kid is $hit too. He is now 17 years old and a vile, violent and useless creature. He will never be able to hold a job or live on his own.
He is not crippled or retarded. He is simply useless.
Turns out the STATE has given him a budget of $100k per year. That is $100k taxpayer dollars per year to house, feed, and clothe. His medical care, therapy, and travel are also covered. All this for a bastard who will never contribute to society in any way.
And true to form for government funding...if in a year he only needs to spend $50k, he will only get $50k the following year. THAT only incentivizes waste and deception.
I worked for the USGS in MI for a few years. We were budgeted a certain amount. In the last month of the year we looked at how much was left and started buying trucks and boats and ATVs to use up the 'surplus' so we could keep our bloated budget the following year.
I hope Elon and Vivek put that $hit to bed.
The same thing with my wife, her son moved himself in and doesn't want to leave.
My brother's wife's grandson moved into the guest house on the property. He was supposed to get free rent for helping my aged brother maintain the property.
Grandson has not done a lick of work in three years. No work on the property, no regular job.
Grandson keeps a dozen or more cats and they are shitting in the house.
Brother can't get the wife to exert any pressure. The house will have to be burned down. No way to get the smell of cat out of a house if they are shitting and pissing on the carpet. You know it has soaked into the wood.
No more passes. Not for gender, age, intelligence or blood relatives. You gotta pay your dues every day.
No incentive to make budget or underspend.
Why do negresses even reproduce? n!ggers are a burden on humanity.
Anyone who celebrates their divorce, especially with kids involved is completely worthless.
But I need my weave.
That ominous background music! That's the same music I hear when I compare grocery prices and gasoline prices from the previous week
2³⁵ a gallon for regular gas tonight coming home.
Toiletqueesha deserves bettah!
Niglets fer sure.
Take to penthouse and have a wood chipper on ground floor . Escort her to the balcony and send her on her way ! What a waste of flesh . maybe the Comanche Death of buried next to a red ant , Ant hill . That must have been the worst way to go .
Money starved groid.
looks like suicide is her best option
Murder is highly likely tho too.
Poor thing. Perhaps she could jump off a building to make things better or I could donate some rope to the cause. I am a charitable man indeed.
Her P 😺SSY isn't worth 30 bucks
Shouldn't we at least wiggle the lips, maybe take a look before we pass judgement? For equity if nothing else.
She can throw the niglet in the oven and set it to 400 degrees that will take care of her problem.
She can throw the niglect in the oven and set it to 400 degrees that will take care of her problem.
That was a short lived celebration.
Get your ugly fat ass to work you lazy kunt.
When my divorce was final and everything was settle, my earnings divided up among courts and lawyer my take home pay was reduced to $110 per week. I protested and the judge told me to sell my car, buy a bike and move closer to where I worked!
Ghey and fake.
Taco Bell?
If he's shelling out four grand a month to the ho , the "financial burden" hasn't fallen on her.
staged. and poorly at that
She knows the zoo brings in way more than that...and aside from an occasional poo flinging, and fleas...I'd say its time to negotiate a new deal. Youve got 1500 hand signals to do it with.