04:50 Dude Loses His Mind Over Biden Gaving 750 Buck Per NC Hurricane Victim But Will Pay 100% Of The Damages To Rich Democrat Millionaires Who Lost Their Homes 26 3 0
03:11 Former British Labour MP Who Criticized Elon Over The Pakistani Child Rape Scandal Is Busted By Pedo-Hunters Trying To Meet Up With A 15 Year Old Boy 4 0 0
01:33 Why Is The Welch Refugee Council Using 12-Year-Old Girls To Entice Migrant Men To Move There? 1 5 0
One hour of pure anarchy! Major Protest and Clashes At Anti Macron Protest In Paris lead to over 140 people being arrested 0 0 0
01:53 One of the Most Talked about Things among Women on Twitter Last Night, Hillary Clinton's Creepy Smile 5 1 0
02:05 One Week after a Deadly Muslim terrorist attack by a Migrant, UK Liberal Democrats STILL want more Muslim Migrants 0 1 0
00:51 OOPS! DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz slips up and admits she rig the election for Hillary Clinton 3 0 0
01:35 OOPS! United States Tennis Association accidentally sings the Nazi Germany anthem in the Fed cup 0 0 0