All three GOP candidates last night appeared to back away from their loyalty pledge to support the party nominee.
Dr. Ben Carson reacted on Hannity tonight, saying, “The Republicans seem to have a penchant for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.”
“What I would ask each of the candidates, Mr. Trump, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Kasich, to consider is the fact that when they engage in this kind of rhetoric, they drive wedges between their supporters,” he told Sean.
Carson, who has endorsed Donald Trump for president, spoke out on the fractured party.
“I’m starting to think that many of the so-called ‘Republican establishment’ – of course they say there is no such thing, “we don’t exist,” but we know they do,” he said.
“I believe that many of them would prefer to have Hillary in there, than to have Donald Trump.
Because she is part of the political establishment and can be controlled, whereas Donald Trump cannot be controlled.
And they’re not interested in – Democrats or Republicans in the ruling class – of having somebody that they can’t control.”