Chelsea Clinton was out in New York City stumping for her mom yesterday yet it seems she just couldn’t resist getting a dig in on all us ordinary folks who did not grow up in the White House or get to go to all her posh schools like her.
When asked at the LGBT event about transgender rights (she is all for them by the way, but she just really hates the word ‘tolerance’) she poked fun at a New Yorker who was upset about NYC’s brief recycling hiatus.
“I didn’t really understand that a lot of people don’t understand kind of how the government works at different levels,” she said before adding that she was shocked to find out that “it never occurred [to the woman who was concerned about recycling] that there are things a President could not do.”
In addition to being just plain condescending, it is also ironic because it never occurred to her mom that there are things that a Secretary of State cannot do either, like use her private email server to send out classified intel.
Then there are all those things that happened in the Clinton White House when it never occurred to her father “that there are things [or interns] a President cannot do.”