Trump and Hannity are good friends. You can bet that whatever Hannity knows, Trump knows. Also, judge Napolitano has known Trump for many years and owns a property that Trump manages. Napolitano has been perhaps the most credible voice for Freedom and Natural Law for the past 20 -30 years. It would not surprise me if Trump may have something to do with Hannity flying to London to interview Assange! Assange hates Hillary with a passion and he is the only person in the world that knows how the emails were leaked! Napolitano, Hannity, Assange are all of the opinions that Russia had nothing to do with the hacking and it very well may have been done by the NSA or FBI. Trump knows exactly what is going on and he will not be intimidated by anyone at the point! Not only has the Media lost all credibility, the Intel agencies and members of Congress are lost as well.