There’s a new bombshell in the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz IT scandal. After her former IT aide was arrested at the airport as he tried to flee the U.S., something new was learned. Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller went on Fox News to say what that was. Luke Rosiak: “I’ll give you some information that I haven’t reported anywhere else: Wasserman-Schultz was informed that there was trouble with this guy and his whole family way back in September of 2016. And it was after she learned that, that she went out of her way to hire the wife. So her only IT guy for ten years was Imran. After she learns that something weird is going on, she makes the decision to go out of her way to hire his wife as well! Then, of course, we see that the wife left the country and she [Wasserman-Schultz] continued to pay Imran.”
And how much did they get paid? Upwards of $6 million. After she learned that something strange was going on with Imran Awan, Wasserman-Schultz “to go out of her way” to hire Imran’s wife. -- Why would she do that? What is Debbie hiding?