If you are looking for “The Truth” with Dennis Michael Lynch, which airs at 11 a.m. EDT Monday thru Friday on Facebook LIVE, you will not find it Thursday.
It’s now the fourth day on which Facebook continues to block Lynch from his personal account, claiming he “over spammed” people on Facebook.
This is a ridiculous claim, considering Lynch never uses his personal account for spreading news and information. In fact, he uses his personal account as little more than a gateway to his business account.
The DMLdaily page on Facebook is accessible to Facebook users, but Lynch (DML) himself is blocked from his own page. Therefore, he cannot put on his LIVE show.
Furthermore, Facebook has blocked DML’s son from accessing his account on Facebook. DML’s son works at DML News and is listed as an administrator. Thus, by blocking his son from accessing his own account, they make it so DML cannot host a Facebook LIVE with the help of his son who works in the same office as Lynch.
On Wednesday night, Lynch provided some interesting screenshots, showing how he spends respectable amounts of money advertising on Facebook; even so, they provide no assistance with the ongoing issues that plague his page.
We will continue to keep you updated on this situation, but in the meantime, we urge you to download the free DML APP. Not only will it keep you updated with trusted news that’s happening throughout the day, but DML and team are working on ways to broadcast “The Truth” via the DML APP without having to use Facebook.
Here is an example of the nonsense DML at times deals with from Facebook on a weekly basis. The social media giant takes his money to promote posts and build page awareness, but then asks users if the content being shared is spam.
SEEN BELOW: DML had sent in a screenshot from a user that exposed Facebook’s warning users that DML’s content could be spam. There was no response, aside from Facebook alerting DML that the issue he reported is CLOSED. However, the issue was never fixed, or addressed, for that matter.