John Thompson, who recently won his Primary for 67A in St. Paul, Minn, goes off the rails and screams at neighborhood children, residents, and neighbors of Police Union Leader Bob Kroll.
In footage captured by Alpha News, Thompson can be seen and heard screaming through a microphone at scared residents, who appear shocked at his tirade and walk away.
“I’m a black man, being terrorized by this f*cking Klansman right here,” he yelled. “We are terrorized by the grill risen. Don’t get the grill risen nibbedyyougoddamnneighbahood.”
“All the Klan existed in Hugo, Minnesota. And this right here—don’t run now. Don’t run now racist white people. I’m here. Aww yeah we pull up. We pull the f*ck up. I’m right here. Come on getcho blue lives matter sign. Blue lives ain’t sh*t. If people of Hugo don’t support black people, f*ck Hugo Minnesota.”