This was the unbelievable scene at this woman's home in Victoria when the jackboot Gestapo showed up after a social media post in which she talks about attending a protest.
The police first ask the woman why she is filming, which is her right. She replies, correctly, that there's been a lot of police brutality of late, (a 70-year-old woman assault and hip was broken for one), and so she will film for her own protection.
The female officer then informs the woman the police have been monitoring social media posts and noticed she was going to attend a protest so they brought a stay-at-home order for COVID, even though the woman does NOT have COVID.
The woman asks what grounds are the police issuing this order and what law are they upholding after they threaten her with a hefty fine and arrest. The police walk away without giving an answer because they have none.
Don't think this isn't coming to wherever you live. This is a giant experiment to see how far people can be pushed, especially people who have been disarmed.