CNN has been backpeddling a ridiculous amount of their claims in the last few weeks since Zucker was fired. Now the same doctor who wanted to 'make lives miserable' of people who refused the vax is now openly admitting that the vax does cause health issues. In this segment she also admitted what conservatives have been saying all along, closing schools to kids who are the least impacted by COVID is actually bad for their mental health.
Will Fake News CNN go back and remove all of their posts that said the opposite? Doubtful. But this is yet another example of the fake news media trying to gaslight people as if they always believed what they previously labeled a 'conspiracy theory'.
So-called conspiracy theorists seem to have a much, much better track record in regards to COVID than the fake news media.
One study that was released a few weeks ago came to the conclusion that mental health issues have skyrocketed due to lockdowns and children's IQ may have dropped as much as 20 points! Behavior issues, suicides, and many other issues have all reached all time highs due to the lockdowns.
Blood is on these peoples hands and now they're trying to cover it up.