Police responded to a knock-down, drag-out, table and chair-tossing, full-on brawl Saturday night inside Dinner and a Movie, the beleaguered restaurant and bar at 2500 North Ashland in Lincoln Park.
Video posted to Facebook shows men and women hurling chairs and tables during the fight around 10:45 p.m. Witnesses told officers that one man displayed a gun before Chicago police arrived.
“I called [police] 30 minutes before. They said it was a shift change,” Rashad Bailey, the restaurant’s owner, said Monday. There were four security guards on duty Saturday night, he said.
“What am I supposed to do? I sell catfish and Casamigos … I’m supposed to give them a background check before they come in for waffles?”
Saturday’s brawl could not have come at a worse time for Bailey. He’s scheduled to appear in front of the Mayor’s License Disciplinary Committee next Monday, April 4th. Dinner and a Movie’s license to operate hangs in the balance at the hearing, which follows a series of complaints from neighbors and failed efforts to reign in alleged problems with the business.