Erectile Dysfunction 'specialist' Walquiria Cassini and her 20-year-old son Matthew have been charged with sexually abusing children in front of a live online audience of pedophiles
This is why the death penalty exists.
Minor boys, one who was under 10, would be dragged from their beds in the middle of the night and assaulted in front of an online audience who would pay to watch.
Matthew would rape and use sex toys on the children, one was 5 and the other was 9 when the abuse began, which was filmed on a live stream.
Cassini's boyfriend Ryan Londono was also involved.
"For the past 25 years, I've seen just about everything, so to shock the court's conscience is frankly a difficult proposition at this point in the court's career. The extent of this is probably never going to be known," Judge Donald Hafele said on Wednesday.
When the boys left the home for Thanksgiving, they reported the abuse and begged to not be sent back.
The kids were spit on, sworn at and physically beaten as well.
"[Matthew] always does stuff to me, he locks the door," one of them said.