Brianna Keilar will have to take Hillary Clinton sensitivity training after this mess up. That is, if she doesn't get the blindfold and cigarette against the wall treatment.
Let this be a lesson to all the rest of you working for CNN. This is not a place for journalism, this is a place to shield our dear leader. Don't step out of line.
Thankfully the kid was in a child seat in that van.
happy ending
the wheels on the bus go round and round...
....I'll say it again!....they ALWAYS hit their target!....ALWAYS!
When there are BILLIONS, the millions to one odds fall quickly...
I'm gonna use that and claim it as my own.
It wus undiedentified flywing slosser.
The lyrics to the song are:
"Rollin' along. Chingin' a chong. Hittin' up the waterpipe, ringin' the gong".
Someone has got to tell these stupid Chinamen that it is RIGHTY TIGHTY, LEFTY LOOSEY and find a way to make it stick!
Nah the Theme from Born Free would be cooler.